Modification of the General Metropolitan Plan for the Urban and Environmental Improvement of Gràcia Neighborhoods


The general objective of MGMP is the urban and environmental improvement of Gràcia neighborhoods.
The main lines of action of MGM can be integrated into seven main proposed axes, all of which are entwined and interrelated, so that a specific action cannot be understood without being part of all the others.
These lines of action, without the order of them meaning any hierarchy, can be summarised as follows:
- on historical and artistic heritage;
- on existing urban planning systems and impacts;
- on urban activities;
- on affordable housing;
- on rational and sustainable mobility;
- on environmental improvement; and
- on physical ordering.
The plan protects the heritage from the social, environmental and urban point of view.
The traditional urban fabric is to be maintained, its replacement avoided, and its rehabilitation favoured with requirements and conditions that will allow more than 3,400 buildings to be protected by heritage, the equivalent of preserving three out of every four estates in the whole area.
One of the main innovations is the substantial reduction in the number of homes affected by a surgical analysis of the territory: from the 158 affected by the current planning, it is passed to only 9, 94% less.
A long-term potential of some 1700 new housing protection is expected and the introduction of new ground floor shops to encourage the mixing of uses will be encouraged.
In order to increase green and biodiversity, new urbanizations of streets, parks and gardens, island yards, covers and dividing walls will be used, with actions that will apply environmental criteria to take full potential. el verd i la biodiversitat s’aprofitarà les noves urbanitzacions de carrers, els parcs i jardins, patis d’illa, cobertes i mitgeres, amb actuacions que aplicaran criteris ambientals per treure’n tot el potencial.

Promotor: Barcelona City Council  Team:: JORNETLLOPPASTOR  Contributors: Clavell Consulting / Vilanova+Moya / Igremap / Promo Assessors Consultors / Mcrit / Montserrat Mercadé / 300,000 km/s