Metropolitan Development Plan of Lima-Callao


Supposed by the Planning Framework, the Metropolitan Characterisation and the PLAM Guidelines and Visions, the proposal for urban and territorial planning is formulated for the development of the Lima-Callao metropolis and its districts, based therefore on two approaches:
First, the political will to transform the Lima-Callao metropolis into a city of cities, with urban, spatial and development models put in place simultaneously, both for the city areas most evolved in socioeconomic terms and to reverse the processes of precariousness and poverty present to a greater extent in the Greater metropolitan periphery and, to a lesser extent, in its central areas.
Secondly, the decision to create a three-pronged plan to optimise its scopes: programmatic, prospective and planner and therefore forerunner. In addition to focusing on concertation and consensus, this constitutes an operational guide, with a set of proposals and instruments and, finally, fulfils the leading role of convergence between actors for a good public-private-social management system.

Promoter: UNDP United Nations Development Programme / Drafting team: JORNETLLOPPASTOR